Agreements & Conventions
Credit: Kristin Laidre
Apart from the main circumpolar “Agreement on the conservation of polar bears” from 1973, there are two bilateral agreements on management of polar bears, one between USA and Russia and one between USA and Canada. Finally, the polar bear is listed in the CITES convention. Below you will find links to the text and other material from these agreements and conventions.
Text of the agreement that was signed in Oslo in 1973.
This agreement was signed March 4, 2000 in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada.
This agreement was negotiated and signed in 2000. US Congress passed legislation to implement the agreement on Dec 9, 2006. Article VIII of the agreement states that a Commission has to be established to coordinate all measures taken. This Commission was established in 2008.
The polar bear is found on Appendix II of this Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. This appendix includes species that are not necessarily threatened with extinction at present but that may become so unless trade is closely controlled.